Friday, May 2, 2008

Sleekest Sony Slider (SSS)

Hello! Shante' reporting again at May 3, 2008 2:47 am. I am here to tell you about the Sony Ericsson W580i Walkman Black.

Sony Ericsson W580i Walkman Black

I have seen the W580 being used by both teens and adults. The phone can fit for anyone because they come in different colors. The Sony Ericsson W580 comes in White, Baby Pink, and Black. I particularly like the black color because it has a flat look and it brings out the 262,144 colors in the screen. Sony Ericsson has always shown such great GUI (Graphical User Interface) on their past phones. Even though the keys may seem abit crowed, it looks really slick. It's such a slim and small phone with so much style. ALSO,
Sony Ericsson W580i Walkman HAD TO ADD the music features. You can use some of the from menu keys to navigate through the media music. This phone may also be good for those who exercise. The phone has a Fitness feature that will track the distance passed and the energy used. 2 stars for S.E.! What I have personally noticed is the sensitivity of the on/off key at the top of the phone. The key may be easily turned on when inside a phone pouch or so. I reccommend the W580 to besic phone users who like stick their phone in the back pocket and ride out. The only problem may be is remembering to take it out because it's so slim and lightweight. The phone is actually a little more basic than other S.E. music phones but to some, just add a bag of chips.

-Shante' Stallings

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